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November 3, 2022

How Celebs Leverage Stem Cells to Stay Young

You have likely seen the headlines with celebrities and pro athletes using stem cells and regenerative medicine to treat injuries or reverse the signs of aging. Read more about these therapies in this blog.
Image of a celebrity on the red carpet

You have likely seen the headlines with celebrities and pro athletes using stem cells and regenerative medicine to treat injuries or reverse the signs of aging. This blog post will explain a few of the popular stem cell therapies used by celebrities to stay young.

Starting with one of the most well-known example, the “vampire facial” made popular by Kim Kardashian. This procedure is also known as microneedling with PRP. It involves taking the patient's blood and extracting the platelets. Then the platelets are applied back onto the patient's skin in combination with microneedling to improve absorption. The platelets boost collagen and elastin production leading to a smoother complexion.

Professional athletes like Steph Curry, Tiger Woods, and Rafael Nadal have also leveraged PRP to help them recover from injuries. The platelets are combined into an injectable solution and then administered to the problem areas to encourage rapid tissue repair. The benefit of using PRP is that it’s a minimally invasive procedure, so these pro athletes can get back into the game as soon as possible.

Many celebrities have also used stem cells from alternative sources. Harry Styles, Margot Robbie, and David Beckham have all used stem cells derived from sheep placenta for their anti-aging benefits. This procedure is similar to the vampire facial, where stem cells fluid is applied after a round of microneedling. The benefits include a boost in collagen and elastin production.

Caroline Stanbury recently tried the exclusive SAVA procedure, which uses her own stem cells to reverse the signs of aging. This procedure is a little more invasive than the ones discussed above, involving a surgical procedure to harvest the stem cells from fat tissue, which is then injected superficially into the face and other problem areas. The most interesting thing about this procedure is that it has lower risks since it uses the patient's own cells.

Soon these therapies that leverage a patient's own stem cells will be available for everyone to use.

But how do you prepare for the future of these regenerative treatments? Banking your cells as early as possible.

Learn more here.

Acorn Biolabs