Personalized rejuvenation.
Powered by your own cells.
Preserve your own stem cells for revolutionary regenerative medicine.

Preserve your own stem cells for revolutionary regenerative medicine.
Active cell and gene based clinical trials taking place worldwide
Stage III clinical trials currently active as of 2022
Expected stem cell market value by 2026
Our skin and hair have the potential for rejuvenation by leveraging the power of our own cells to fight the effects of aging.
An active lifestyle shouldn’t have an end date. With regenerative medicine, you’ll soon be able to help recover from injury and repair ongoing wear and tear.
The effects of aging accelerate as we get older, leading to disease and frailty. Regenerative cell treatments could help replenish what we lose with age and bring us back to a healthier state.
decrease in the ability to regenerate stem cells with age
decline in stem cell diversity after the age of 70
Longer telomeres
More stem cell activity
Better cell health
Fewer DNA mutations
Shortened telomeres
DNA mutations
Reduced stem cell activity
Cellular atrophy
Longer telomeres
More stem cell activity
Better cell health
Fewer DNA mutations
Shortened telomeres
Accumulation of radical damage
Reduced stem cell activity
Cellular atrophy
A trained technician plucks 50 follicles from the sides and back of the head. This provides a collection of your own valuable cells required for preservation.
After a full viability analysis, your cells are carefully cryogenically frozen at -196° Celsius, completely stopping the effects of aging and ongoing damage.
Using a small sample of your cells, you’re able to produce personalized stem cell-based topical treatments, rich in exosomes, growth factors and matrix molecules.
Your frozen cells will remain perfectly preserved and accessible for the bright future of regenerative medicine applications as they continue to emerge.
Average number of hairs on the head
Follicles collected for Acorn cell preservation
Average number of hairs on the head
Different cell types are found in the hair follicle
The primary cells that produce the surface level of your skin.
Sub-dermal tissue layer cells that play a role in producing collagen and elastin.
Progenitor cells that can become a wide variety of cells in your body.
To get on the list for Acorn cell cryopreservation, request access below.
Eligibility will be based on location, preferences and timing, with availability starting in select regions across North America.
Once available in your region, you'll receive an email with next steps for getting started with Acorn.